Elder scrolls skyrim
Elder scrolls skyrim

In terms of the gameplay, it is accessible to the majority, which means lots of fringe players will be upset. It still engaged me because the vast majority of the quests were really enjoyable and provided lots to do and experience, just that they did fragment the story a little for me.

elder scrolls skyrim

Fallout NV got the mix better in terms of the storyline as so many side quests supported the story. I was also a little bit disappointed that the story did seem to stand alone and that it was easy to lose the plot if I spend ages doing lots of side-quests which rarely seemed to connection. The actual story is probably too short (ironic complaint for a game that I put down after filling the last few months and eating well over 100 hours) I left it at the end of Act 1 and when I returned to it I was surprised by how quickly I moved through the remainder of it to the end. There are quests like that (the Thieves Guild "job" quests get tedious before you complete them) but they are the minority. The amount of quests is ridiculous and most of them do actually give you something to do other than just travel somewhere and come back. Very quickly I was into the game because I love getting caught up in the exploration, getting quests, finding stuff, building up my character and so on, all to the point where I really didn't progress the story very much until I had already played about 100 hours. As a result I picked this game up, still not totally sure that I would like the loss of guns and dark comedy that I got with Fallout 3 and NV. The connection to the Fallout games though meant that I knew the basic gameplay would appeal to me since I like the idea of RPG but not the incredibly detailed stats packages that most come with – selecting equipment, taking notes and digging in menus I'm fine with, but too much detail I'm not.

elder scrolls skyrim

Elder scrolls skyrim series#

"I'm not really into all that wizards and dwarfs nonsense" I told a friend when he talked about the new Elder Scrolls game, a series I had no interest in and even less knowledge of.

Elder scrolls skyrim